New Group Starts Tomorrow
Summerstong2 group starts tomorrow and I beyond so excited! I LOVE the energy of these groups! I LOVE how challengers support one another!!! I LOVE how group members encourage one another and share their tips! I also LOVE to share what has worked for me! I know it can be so hard to balance work, kids, household, and our own health! Let's face it, most of us know what to do to maintain our health, but DOING it is the issue! That is where the support and accountability of a group come in! I LOVE how even when I do not FEEl like working out, I push myself to get it done and proudly post to my group! I ALWAYS feel better after I workout! I ALWAYS feel better when I get healthy meal prep done! I ALWAYS feel better after I choose a healthy meal, or work through the urge to eat when I am not actually hungry! The process is so rewarding! What amazes me most, is how much better I feel on the INSIDE and how much progress I have made in my life that has NOTHING to do with fitness!