Staying Grounded
These guys keep me so grounded! You know that there was a time that I was so down on myself. I was busy working, always staying late, felt guilty taking anytime for me. I would nosh on kiddy leftovers all day, then grab whatever was quickest for dinner…sometimes that was frozen pizza just eaten standing up while I did several other things! The effects accumulated! I felt so “fat” and truly hated myself. I had thoughts of just cutting my stomach. That is how intensely I felt. I just did not see any way to stop this cycle. I was binge eating and not taking time to live. I know this sounds unreal, but a shake and a fitness plan have changed my life and outlook! It isn’t just about the shake and the workouts! It is about the community that keeps me on track and helped changed my perception and attitude! I focus on personal development and relationships! I may look better on the outside, but I am most proud about the internal changes I have made! I have relationships that are stronger that I could have imagined especially my relationship with myself! #lovemyself
— with Krystal Woods.