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Having it All

Is it really possible to have it all? I love my work in the hospital...and I truly mean that I LOVE the work! I am learning each day and people allow me into their lives to play a role in their journey toward emotional health. I work with the most amazing people you could imagine...and each day they bring something new to me. I feel so blessed to work with such an incredible team.

But then I come home and I have the most amazing people here. My husband and my children are true blessings. I love being in my home. I love cooking and organizing and being involved in my children's lives. I love when I have time to volunteer in the schools and watch their games. I love seeing the other moms and having normal conversation!

I also enjoy my time with my husband, with friends and honestly, with myself. I enjoy alone time. I feel best when I exercise regularly, spend time meditating and prepare healthy food for myself and family.

I also love being a beachbody wellness coach. I am inspired by my team and my clients. I am so excited and inspired to be in a position to help people live a healthy lifestyle while also learning to build their own businesses so that they can gain financial freedom. Like, I really get to be a part of helping people build their dreams!

It is all such EXCITING stuff! I mean, who could choose??? Do you think it is possible to have it all, or sometimes do we take on so much, that nothing can get done to the best of our ability? Some days I feel like Superwoman, othr days I feel like a clown trying to juggle it all!

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